Genomic EvoDevo Lab
How did Multicellularity Evolve?
- Open lecture at Setsunan Univ (Feb 22, 2025)
The PI gave a talk in
an open lecture for public at
the newly-established faculty of agriculture of Setsunan University,
invited by Ms Yoko Ishizaki and Prof. Takashi Shiina.
The lecure was not really a open public lecture, being more like a professional research
meeting with a lot of urushi experts.
- Seminar at OUS (Feb 19, 2025)
A research seminar was held at
Okayama University of Science as a part of
the Integrative Bioarchaeology project
within the framework of Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (Gakujutu-Henkaku). The PI gave a talk about
the urushi study.
- Paper on educational ICT published (Feb 17, 2025)
The PI published a paper entitled "ICT educational tools in the post-COVID era"
Bulletin of Center for University Education, Prefectural University of Hiroshima.
- Presenting master thesis projects (Feb 12, 2025)
The M2 student Toshihiro Furuya defended the master thesis regarding the Hippo pathway of
Creolimax, our unicellular model. He managed to pack a lot of
experiments he had done in two years within a 12 minutes presentation
and received many encouraging comments and meaningful questions.
- Presenting graduation projects (Feb 5, 2025)
Rin Etoh,
Shion Shimizu,
Nanae Takemoto,
Ayumu Nomura, and
Haruki Yoshida finished the presentations of the graduation projects.
We enjoyed a nice atomosphere with a lot of audience.
The classic post-presentation party was just fun. The memorable day was embraced with a record-breaking snow fall.
- Organising a forum at MBSJ 2024 (Nov 27, 2024)
The PI co-organised a forum at the 47th annual meeting of Molecular Biology Society Japan, together with Dr. Nakajima
(did almost everything) at the university of Tokyo.
- Symposium at Tsukuba Univ (Oct 8, 2024)
The PI gave a lecture in the 16th symposium on
"Discovery, Fusion, Creation of New Knowledge by Multidisciplinary Computational Sciences"
at Tsukuba University, invited by Dr. Yuji Inagaki.
- Exchange student arrived (Sep 24, 2024)
An exchange student Aisa (Jember University, Indonesia) joined the lab.
- Evolution meeting at Tokai Univ. (Aug 22, 2024)
We joined
the annual meeting of Evolution Society at Tokai Univ. The M2 student Toshihiro Furuya presented his project.
The PI gave a talk on the genetics of urushi tree in a workshop.
- DNA extraction at Kyushu-Univ (Aug 3, 2024)
As a collaboration within
the urushi laqcuer tree project, we visited
Dr. Watanabe's lab in Kyushu university.
The PhD student Seitaro Denbo and the PI Hiroshi Suga extracted DNA from over 250 samples in the Suzuki collection at Tohoku university, with Dr. Watanabe.
- Review on Ichthyosporeans published (Jul 30, 2024)
We published a review on the Ichthyosporea on Communications Biology.
- Riho Kodera got the best student award (Jul 19, 2024)
Riho Kodera (B3) is the awardee of the best student prize of this year. Congratulations!
- Developmental biology meeting (June 19, 2024)
The PI presented a piece of work done by the PhD student Seitaro Denbo at a workshop in
the annual meeting of JSDB. Good science and nice people!
- Review paper published (Apr 22, 2024)
A review
was published on "Saibo (cell)" magazine from Hokuryukan. The PhD students Seitaro Denbo and Ayato Hino are co-authors.
- Presentation on the urushi origin (Feb 19-20, 2024)
The PI presented the Urushi project first online (19 Feb) and then at Sokendai in Hayama (20 Feb).
The meetings were held in slightly different bodies within the
Bioarcheaology project started this fiscal year.
- Master thesis presentation by Fuma (Feb 8, 2024)
Fuma Tanaka
presented his master thesis. Tons of experiment conducted by him
were hard to be spoken within 20 minutes. Well done!
- Graduation project presentation (Feb 7, 2024)
The most hectic and emotional day.
Aoi Ono,
Saki Etoh,
Aozora Umemura,
Mami Inoue,
and Shizuku Tamura
presented the graduation projects. They worked hard until the very last moment. Congratulations!
- Bio-archeology seminar (Dec 9, 2023)
The bio-archeology project organised
the first workshop on population genetics
using state-of-the-art bioinformatics.
The PI, Seitaro Dembo, and Ayato Hino joined.
- Annual meeting of Molecular Biology Society (Dec 7, 2023)
Toshihiro Furuya (M1),
Fuma Tanaka (M1), and
Ayato Hino
(D2) presented posters at Kobe.
- Softball & BBQ (Oct 26, 2023)
We organised a softball competition and BBQ events, enjoying a crispy autumn air.
- Book published (Oct 4, 2023)
Elucidating Jomon-era using genome information -
a book in which the PI is a co-author has been published.
An article on the univ website is online.
- "Nearly" 10 years anniversary
of the lab (Sep 17, 2023)
The lab held a party celebrating the 10th year since the opening with more than 30
participants including the alumni and the current members.
A lab name plate was a beautiful gift!
- Annual meeting of Evolution Society (Aug 31, 2023)
Tanaka (M2) gave an oral presentation.
Furuya (M1),
Ayato Hino
(D2), and
Seitaro Dembo (D4) presented posters. PI gave a talk on evolution of urushi tree
because the students presented everything else;-)
- Open campus (Aug 9, 2023)
We organised an experiment of DNA extraction for the open campus event.
I guess we are as popular as usual!
- The best student award goes to.. (Jul 21, 2023)
Shion Shimizu (B3) from the lab got awarded by the best student prize of this year. Congratulations!
- Urushi sampling deep at Kyoto (Jul 16, 2023)
We have completed the sampling of urushi trees for a genetic analysis
deep at Kyoto and Hyogo. It was very efficient thanks to Mr. Yamauchi
from NPO Tamba Urushi. Ms. Ishizaki and Prof. Shiina from Setsunan Univ.
- Graduation (Mar 17, 2023)
B4 students Hodata Takishita, Toshihiro Furuya, Kumanao Furuta, Koki Miyake, and Fuko Yagura graduated. The internal party
after the ceremony was amusing yet emotional (thanks fo the preparation of B3 students). Good luck!
- Meeting at Okinawa (Feb 18, 2023)
The PI joined a meeting at Okinawa, organised by Yaponesia project that is going to finish in a month after five years.
The PI presented our study on population genetics of urushi trees.
- Graduation project presentation (Feb 8, 2023)
The day has come (as always). Toshihiro Furuya, Hodaka Takishita, Koki Miyake, Kumanao Furuya, and Fuko Yagura
presented the graduation projects. They survived many questions from professors, receiving useful advises as well. Well done folks!
- Lab ski tour despite of thesis
deadline (Jan 30, 2023)
Only 2 days until the deadline of graduation thesis submission, but we
do ski when it snows!
Hide below
- Urushi Summit meeting (Dec 9, 2022)
The PI joined for the first time
Urushi Summit meeting held at Mito, Ibaraki, presenting the urushi genome and transcriptome project.
- MBSJ meeting (Nov 30, 2022)
Annual meeting
of Molecular Biology Society Japan was held at Makuhari,
The three PhD students
Seitaro Dembo, Ayato Hino, and Fuma Tanaka presented their projects.
The PI gave a presentation on the urushi project. We received a lot of
reactions and comments!
- Collaboration at Kyushu Univ (Sep 24, 2022)
The PI visited Atsushi Watanabe' lab for a collaboration, at the beautiful
new campus of Kyushu University.
Thanks for joining, Yoko Ishizaki from Setsunan Univ and Miho Tamura at Watanabe lab!
- Evolutionary Study Meeting on site (Aug 5, 2022)
Annual meeting of
Evolutionary Study Society Japan was held in Numazu, Shizuoka.
The three PhD students Seitaro Dembo, Ayato Hino, and Fuma Tanaka presented their projects. The first face to face meeting since 3 years. Great opportunity indeed!
- Our open campus event was most popular! (Jul 24, 2022)
We opened the lab for University's open campus event, offering a nice experiment of genomic DNA extraction.
We were (AFAIK) one of the most popular labs!
- Two best students awarded (Jul 22, 2022)
Mami Inoue and Aozora Umemura were awarded the best (i.e., top 5 GPA) student prize 2022. Congratulations!
- Seitaro and Fuma back from BCN (Jul 20, 2022)
Seitaro Dembo (D3) and Fuma Tanaka (M1) are
safely back from Barcelona, after 2 weeks stay at I?aki Ruiz-Trillo's lab.
Fuma's nice report is published here. Thanks
a lot, people in I?aki's lab!
- "Hot" BBQ (Jun 29, 2022)
Our traditional BBQ in crazy warmth.
- Meeting in Tomakomai, Hokkaido (Jun 11, 2022)
The PI joined a meeting of Yaponesia project, updating our urushi project.
- Seminar by Dr. Watanabe (May 9, 2022)
We invited Dr. Atsushi Watanabe, Kyushu University, for a seminar entitled "Is planting really eco?".
We have been collaborating with him for two yeas for the
urushi project.
- Graduation (Mar 18, 2022)
The day has come. The B4 students graduated the lab. According to the tradition,
they happily destroyed the presence/absence table on the front door.
All the best! Alles Gute! Tot el millor!
- Ayato Hino defended the master thesis (Feb 14, 2022)
The M2 student Ayato Hino presented the master project "Origin of intercellular communication:
Protein phosphorylation signaling of unicellular holozoan"
and successfully defended the thesis. He continues the project in the PhD cource. Good luck!
- Graduation projects presentation (Feb 9, 2022)
The B4 students Kina Ohama,
Kaito Omura,
Nazuna Saigo,
Fuma Tanaka,
Kazusa Tsushima, and
Haruka Yamasaki presented the graduation projects. The hardest workers
(especially in the last two months) ever since the lab started. Congrats!
- MBSJ meeting held face to face (Dec 2, 2021)
The 44th annual meeting of Molecular Biology Society Japan
was held face to face
(actually combined with an online format) for the first time since two years. The D2 student Seitaro Denbo and B4 (undergrad) student
Fuma Tanaka presented their posters at Pacifico Yokoyama Exhibition
Hall. The PI gave a talk about the
Notch signalling of Capsaspora on
the workshop 2AW-14.
We've got really nice feedbacks and comments.
- Urushi trees on site (Nov 26, 2021)
Students of Shobara-Jitsugyo highschool planted their young urushi trees (Toxicodendron vercifluum) on an abondoned field of Mishima
Food Cooporation. One step further to our goal!
- Guests from Kyoto Univ (Oct 25, 2021)
Drs Hiroshi Kawamoto, Kyoko Masuda, and Yosuke Nagahata from Institute for Life and Medical Sciences of Kyoto University
visited our lab, on the collaboration revealing the origin of macrophage. Dr. Kawamoto
ended up with
a nice travel report (see the article on October 25, 2021). Welcome to the premetazoan world!
- Joining the meeting of Evolution Society Japan (Aug 18, 2021)
The PI Hiroshi Suga gave a talk on the annual meeting of
Society of Evolutionary Studies, Japan. Seitaro Denbo (D2) and Ayato
Hino (M2) presented posters. Everything was done online like last year.
- Two B3 students got the best student prize (July 21, 2021)
Aoi Ono and Kosei Miyake got the best students prize of 2021. Congratulations!
- Paper published (March 31, 2021)
Two papers (Suga 2021a and Suga 2021b) published.
- Spontaneous graduation ceremony (March 4, 2021)
A graduation ceremony was held spontaneously in the lab. A warm and emotional celebration (infection control?
yes yes yes). Following the tradition, the 4th grade students tore apart the present/absent sheet on the front door. Congratulations!
- Two B3 students got the best student prize after a year (February 17, 2021)
Kina Ohama and Fuma Tanaka were awarded the best students prize of 2020. Congratulations!
- Presentation of graduation projects (February 9, 2021)
Naoki Yamahara,
Kaisei Shigemi,
Mami Ono,
Haruki Tanimoto,
Shotaka Miyahira,
Yumi Kamo, and
Ryu Sumitomo presented their graduation projects. Well done folks!
- B4 student presented the grad project (January 26, 2021)
Naoto Kobayashi (B4) gave a presentation summarising his 2 years graduation project, which is to facilitate the local tourism by the use of smartphone app
that he and the PI developed. Congratulations!
- Zoominar in Switzerland (November 23, 2020)
The PI gave an
online seminar at University of Basel, in Switzerland, invited by Dr. Patrick Tschopp.
- Home party at boss' house (November 3, 2020)
The PI invited the students to his house, to which he and his family moved on September. The pandemic is finishing (at least we've known what to do). Let's be absorbed in science now!
- Yokai GO on site (November 1, 2020)
Naoto Kobayashi, a 4th grade student, and Fuma Tanaka, (Lupin the) 3rd, tested the app Ino-Mononoke Walk Rally (or Yokai GO - if it doesn't upset Nintendo;-) at the Mononoke Museum in Miyoshi-city.
- Interview from Chugoku Newspaper (October 30, 2020)
Naoto Kobayashi, a 4th grade student in the lab, got interviewd by Chugoku Newspaper.
Naoto managed to create 12 Yokai (Japanese monsters) animated 3D models, engaging them into the smartphone app Kendai GO, in order to use it for stimulating the local economy. Congratulations!
- BBQ after 4 months (September 15, 2020)
Our traditional BBQ in Bihoku Hillside Park taken place, with 4 months delay due to the pandemic. We also invited some first grade students
(not allowd to enter the campus since the university started!)
- Graduation (March 18, 2020)
Ayato Hino, Sarina Doi, Akari hatamura, Ai Murakami and Hinako Harada graduated the University. Katsutoshi Aono and Seitaro Denbo finished the master. Congratulations!
- Presentation of master projects (February 13, 2020)

Katsutoshi Aono and
Seitaro Denbo
presented the master projects. Ben fet nois! (and the exhausted PI..)
- Presentation of graduation projects (February 6, 2020)

Ayato Hino,
Sarina Doi,
Akari Hatamura,
Ai Murakami, and
Hinako Harada
presented the graduation projects. Well dedicated students! The party
unusually ended up with
crazy karaoke on a guitar play by Yumi Kamo and the PI. Congratulations!
- End of the year party 2019 (Dec 27, 2019)

Our traditional end of the year party held. The "main guest" was an uncured ham provided by Dr. Fujita.
- Unicellular origin of actomyosin-dependent cellularization (Nov 19, 2019)

Paper published online in
eLife journal.
Omaya and Andrej from Ruiz-Trillo lab revealed that the origin of
cellularization of coenocyte (a cell with many nuclei, such as
Drosophila early embryo)
through the actomyosin network antedates the origin of multicellularity.
The PI was involved in Sphaeroforma genome resequencing.
A nice introductory article is concurrently published.
- Seminar in BioForum 2019 (Nov 13, 2019)

The PI gave a talk about the urushi genome project in
Hiroshima BioForum on November 13, which
was actually the day of urushi in Japan!
- Softball competition (Oct 21, 2019)

Interlab Softball competition played. Suga+Yagi+Konishi labs vs Abe+Saito+Ogita labs ended up with 7-7 tie. The aftergame BBQ was
also a great fun.
- Tutzing Meeting in Germany (Sep 16, 2019)

The PI Hiroshi Suga flew directly from Osaka to München to give the opening talk (just because working on the origin of Metazoa;) in the traditional
Tutzing meeting in Germany. His 8 years
absence in this meeting did not interfere awakening the warm relationship with
the researchers working on the early metazoan evolution. Thank you organizers, especially
prof Thomas Bosch from University of Kiel.
- Zoology Society Meeting (Sep 12, 2019)

The 90th annual meeting happened in Osaka. The PI Hiroshi Suga presented in the symposium "Major Transitions in Animal Evolution", organised by prof Toru Miura from
the University of Tokyo.
- Evolution Meeting 2019 (Aug 8, 2019)

The M2 students Katsutoshi Aono and Seitaro Denbo presented their projects in the 21st meeting of Society of Evolutionary Biology held in Sapporo. Seitaro did his first oral presentation in English, which is very unusual in Japan. Brave (if not reckless) man!
- How to make a zebra without the zebra pattern (Jul 15, 2019)

We invited Dr. Shigeru Kondo from Osaka University. He gave a leacure on how to make the pattern seen in animals, such as the zebra pattern of a zebra, together with a lot of funny stories with his "big boss" who was awarded the novel prize just recently.
- Three students awarded the best students prize of 2019 (Jul 12, 2019)

The three (!) 3rd year students Kaisei Shigemi, Ryu Sumitomo, and Naoki Yamahara of the lab were awarded the best student prize of this year, while the PI was sick having a hangover.. Anyway, congratulations!
- Public lecture in Kyoto (May 16, 2019)

The PI gave a talk on the open symposium "The dynamism of evolution - genome changes your life" held at Kyoto Prefectural University.
- Welcome BBQ in the sun (May 10, 2019)

As every year we enjoyed the BBQ welcoming new members in the lab at Bihoku Hillside Park near the University.
- BBQ with blooming cherry (Apr 3, 2019)

The classic lab BBQ party at cherry tree was held, together with
Noshita lab, although the flower was not really out yet.
- Graduation (Mar 20, 2019)

The M2 student Takaaki Kai and the B4 students Marina Atsumi, Yu Satoh, Hinako Sano, Kazusa Shiraiwa, and Masahiro Son finished the master and bachelor. Congratulations!
- Lab retreat (Feb 14, 2019)

We arranged the first lab retreat (since the start of the lab) at Mizuho skiing area in Shimane prefecture. Great fun!
- Master thesis presentation (Feb 12, 2019)

Takaaki Kai (M2) presented his two-years master project, which elucidated the possible function of Hippo pathway genes of
Creolimax, a unicellular holozoan. Moltes felicitat!
- Presentation of graduation projects (February 6, 2019)

Marina Atsumi,
Yu Satoh,
Hinako Sano,
Kazusa Shiraiwa, and
Masahiro Son
presented their graduation projects. Well done folks! The party was even crazier than ever.
- Traditional year-end party (December 28, 2018)

The traditional party to cerebrate the work of the year held. Many students and professors from other labs joined.
To read more on the University's website.
- Paper published online (December 25, 2018)

Paper published online on the
journal Development, Growth
& Differentiation. The M1 students Seitaro Denbo and Katsutoshi Aono, the M2 student Takaaki Kai, our ex-student Rei Yagasaki, our collaborator I?aki Ruiz‐Trillo and the PI Hiroshi Suga presented a new strategy to improve draft genome sequences by fully exploiting the NGS data.
By implementing the strategy, we successfully improve the genome sequence of Capsaspora, a unicellular holozoan.
The PDF is available here.
- Pre-presentation of graduation projects (December 5-7, 2018)

The 4th year students of the lab, together with those in two other labs (Yagi lab and
Fukunaga lab), presented the intermediate report of
the graduation projects. The critical comments from the audience will help the actual presentatin on February.
- Current Biology paper published (December 3, 2018)

The paper from
Kamran Shalchian-Tabrizi's lab
in Norway has revealed the presence of the animal-type microRNA machinery in protozoans. The PI contributed to the experiment, analysis, and writing the manuscript, especially on the unicellular holozoan
Sphaeroforma arctica. The PDF is available here.
- Student presented at MBSJ meeting (November 28, 2018)

The M1 student Katsutoshi Aono gave an oral presentation on his project "Notch signalling in unicellular context" in the
workshop "Context-dependent
mechanism of organogenesis control by Notch signalling" of the
41th MBSJ meeting organized by Dr. Yamakawa (Osaka Univ) and Dr.
Kitagawa (International University of Health and Welfare). He
a poster as well. Congratulations!
- Grant report at YSF (November 10, 2018)

The PI "finally" did the final report of the Long-term Oversea Fellowship of
Yamada Science Foundation
which he received 15 (!) years ago. Not only stimulating were the
topics presented by other speakers, but also encouraging were the committee members.
- Seminar at BRH (November 9, 2018)

Invited by Dr. Hiroki Oda, the PI gave a talk at
Biohistory Research Hall in Takatsuki, Osaka. Discussion on how scientists should balance work and life never ended until midnight with a help of
"a bit of" alcohol.
- Naito Conference (October 2, 2018)

The PI presented at
the 46th Naito Conference held at Hokkaido. Greatest meeting since he's back to Japan. The line-up of invited speakers are marvelous, including
Dr. Sean Carroll, the evo-devo
rock star, and Drs. Grant & Grant of Darwin finch.
Grad receiving positive reactions to our poster!
- Symposium on Urushi, Japanese lacquer (September 29, 2018)

A symposium on the culture, science, and promotion of urushi, Japanese lacquer, was held. The PI talked about the on-going genome and RNAseq project.
- Book published (September 13, 2018)

The book "Ame-ba no Hanashi (Talking on Amoebae)" has been published. The PI wrote a chapter about the evolution of multicellularity. Link to Amazon
- Meeting at Tokyo (August 22, 2018)

The annual meeting of the Society of Evolutionary Studies Japan was held in Tokyo University. The M1 student
Katsutoshi Aono gave his first oral presentation
in an official scientific meeting. Takaaki Kai (M2) and
Seitaro Denbo (M1) presented their projects by posters.
- Sampling at Kyoto (August 16, 2018)

The yearly urushi sampling event coupled with a BBQ celebration of Pola award to the NPO Tanba Urushi was carried out.
- An intense week with 6 Barcelona students ended (July 18, 2018)

The lab and Shobara campus finished the very intense week with 6 students from Barcelona, with a huge success. We did, together with the students, professors and staffs from the university (plus sometimes with tourists)
the scientific seminars,
human tower workshop, and the symposium on Catalan separatism issue. Building a
human tower in front of the Atomic Bomb Dome marked one of the best moments during the week.
Thanks and we wish a good luck to Cormac Hally, Jordi Pegueroles, Santi "B" Rios, Lisandra Benitez, Marta de Castro, and Lluis Via.
- Annual Meeting of JSDB+JSCB (June 8, 2018)

The Joint Annual Meeting of Society of Cell Biology and Society of Developmental Biology was held in Tokyo. The PI
was invited by Dr. Hiroki Oda and Dr. Yasushi Izumi and presented as a
symposium speaker.
- Talk on development of beetle's horn (June 4, 2018)

Dr. Teruyuki Niimi from National Institute of Basic Biology gave a talk on the molecular development of beetle's horn. With the expression of a gene with a sexy name (double sex), the beetles can extend or retract their horns depending on their sex. Very exciting talk!
- Capsaspora transformation paper published (May 12, 2018)

The long-awaited protocol of transforming Capsaspora is
on-line in the journal Development..
The PI Hiroshi Suga and the ex-student Azusa Nakata were
involved. Congratulations Helena, Núria & al.! In addition, the
PI greatly respects the initial breakthrough brought by Núria
Sánchez-Pons (who obtained the first glowing
Capsa by electroporation) and Arnau Sebé Pedrós (who first suggested the Ca-Glycerol protocol).
- Meeting at National Institute of Genetics (April 15, 2018)

Hiroshi Suga introduced the lab's work in a
meeting at National Institute of Genetics at Mishima (Shizuoka), organized by Dr. Miura (Tokyo Univ), Dr. Tanaka (Tokyo Tec), and Dr. Kitano (NIG).
- Paper published in J Life Environ Sci (Mar 31, 2018)

We published a paper about the historical geograpy of urushi, a traditional Japanese lacquer. The PDF (in Japanese) is available
- Paper published in Scientific Reports (Mar 29, 2018)

published a paper on the Src tyrosine kinase signaling of the ichthyosporean
Creolimax, in collabolation with Dr. Todd Millar in
Stony Brook University. The ex-students Kojiro Tokiyasu and Shuhei Murakami have
also contributed. The PDF is available
- Moving on (Mar 23, 2018)

The B4 lab members Katsutoshi Aono, Naoto Kunimura, Kaho Satoh, Seitaro Denbo, Moena Hatakeyama, and Arisa Kawai finished the four (or more) years in the University. Congratulations!
- Catalan independence (Mar 17, 2018)

The PI survived
the symposium "Independence Movement of the
World" organised by Dr. Kamizuru in the Prefectural University of
Hiroshima, giving a talk on Catalan independence! Very, very special symposium indeed.
- Ceremony awarding the support from Novartis (March 9, 2018)

The PI was awarded the support from Novartis Foundation. The ceremony was held in Tokyo together with the cerebration of
the 30th anniversary of the foundation.
- Presentation of graduation projects (February 7, 2018)

Naoto Kunimura,
Kaho Sato,
Katsutoshi Aono,
Moena Hatakeyama,
Seitaro Denbo, and
Arisa Kawai
presented their graduation projects. Well done folks!
- Year-end Party (December 27, 2017)

Our traditional year-end party was held, with table tennis and PS4 competitions.
- Pre-presentation of graduation projects (December 8, 2017)

The 4th year students, together with those in two other labs (Yagi group and Fukunaga group), presented the preliminary results of their graduation projects. We ended up with a crazy party as usual.
- Purple haze on the water (November 10, 2017)

The morning chill produces vapors in Hagera pond in the campus. A typical winter view in this region.
- Meeting at National Institute of Genetics (October 14, 2017)

Hiroshi Suga gave a talk in a
meeting at National Institute of Genetics at Mishima, Shizuoka.
- Adéu! (October 13, 2017)

Andrej and Alberto finished the two weeks stay. Time flies! We wish
them a luck and great success.
- Welcome party & seminar (October 6, 2017)

Andrej and Alberto presented their projects. The intensive
question and answer was followed by a welcome party with a live violin play by Kazusa Shiroiwa (B3).
- "Internationalization" continues (October 3, 2017)

The guest scientists Andrej Ondracka and Alberto Pérez Posada started to work in the lab. They stay
for two weeks, working on a couple of reasonably sized projects.
We are excited to have them in the lab!
- High school lecture (September 27, 2017)

Hiroshi Suga gave a lecture at
Miyahara highschool
in Kure-city. Approximately 20 students attended.
- Fins aviat! (September 22, 2017)

The guest scientists from Barcelona left the lab, after the
fruitful two weeks with experiments, discussion, and laugh. Thanks a lot for being with us!
We will host another group in a week.
- Welcome seminar & party (September 15, 2017)

Núria, Ola, and Sebas presented their projects and latest results. Intensive discussion was followed by a recreation
(where is where) and a party with sushi. Great fun indeed!
- Guests from Barcelona (September 12, 2017)

Núria Ros, Aleksandra Kozyczkowska, and Sebastián Rodorigo came to the lab as guest scientists from I?aki Ruiz-Trillo's lab in Barcelona, with the generous International Exchange Grant from the Prefectural University of Hiroshima.
We are spending exciting time, showing the latest results,
discussing on the projects, exchanging the protocols.
- Annual Meeting of Evolutionary Biology (August 25, 2017)

The 19th meeting of the Society of Evolutionary Studies was held at Kyoto
University. Hiroshi Suga presented the lab's work in the
symposium. Takaaki Kai (M1) and Mitsuhiro Fukuhara (M1)
presented their projects in the poster session.
- #2 sampling at Kyoto (August 23, 2017)

The PI Hiroshi Suga visited Yakuno again to collect the samples of
urushi lacquer tree, collaborating with Dr. Shiina at Kyoto
Prefectural University. The team took samples from three trees which
were massively "bleeding" after nearly 20 times (every 4 days) of
Needless to say, the team never missed the pre-sampling party at
- eLife paper published (July 21, 2017)

A paper describing a pile of accumulated genome sequences of unicellular holozoans was published in eLife, one of the best journals in biology. Congratulations Xavi
& al!
- Reached 7,000 visitors! (June 22, 2017)

Our websites has got 7,000 visitors (NOT the access number) in less than 3 years. The accesses are scattered around the grobe, with the visitors from 95 countries. Proud!
- Sampling at Kyoto (June 6, 2017)

The PI Hiroshi Suga visited Yakuno, north Kyoto, to collect the samples of urushi lacquer tree (Toxicodendron vernicifluum).
It is a collaboration project with Dr. Takashi Shiina's lab in Kyoto Prefectural University. The lacquer scraper Mr. Yoshiaki Okamoto made the first scar on the tree skin after a tiny but solemn ceremony. The process was
reported by a local newspaper.
- Final Report of FD Promotion Programme (May 24, 2017)
The PI Hiroshi Suga gave a talk on the clicker system that he developed with the support from the
Faculty Development Programme of the University. The software
(Kéndai Pochi) is available at
- Veritas NON semper una est! (May 22, 2017)
The restructuring plan of our university is
slowly emerging
after one year of silence since the first
media leakage (a nice strategy, eh?). It
turned out that the Shobara campus (where we are) will be the
primary victim. They (well, who?) try to change the Department of
Life and Environmental Sciences into something that just serves for
the "region" (what's the definition of "region"? do they really know what the
people there wish?), denying any of our effort to fight at the frontline of
science. Okay, we admit that our department is not the
world-best, but have they ever looked how much the
professors and students here are working? Science needs diversity,
which is where the word "university" comes from.
They symbolically
claim that 'Veritas semper una est (the truth is
always one)', which in many cases is false in biology.
- Welcome BBQ (May 12, 2017)

The traditional BBQ in Bihoku Hillside Park to welcome the new B3 students
into the lab.
- Lecture on Genome Editing (May 8, 2017)

We invited the collaborator Dr. Tetsushi Sakuma from Hiroshima University, who gave a talk on genome editing. Overwhelming
progress in this field!
- Visit to Kyoto (March 31, 2017)

The PI visited
Dr. Shiina's lab in Kyoto Prefectural University for future collaboration.
We are excited about a new project starting!
- Graduation (March 24, 2017)

The 8 B4 students (including two >=B6s) Yukino Ohara, Takaaki Kai, Naofumi Koide, Mitsuhiro Fukuhara, So Miyamoto, Hiroki Mukaihara, Shuhei Murakami, and Rei Yagasaki graduated the University. Congratulations!
- Trip to rainy Nagasaki (March 2, 2017)

The PI visited
the Institute of Tropical Medicine, Nagasaki University, within the framework of MEXT Joint Research. The discussion with Dr. Kentaro Kato
was intensive. We've got our first multicellular pet,
- Weather behaves (February 10, 2017)

They say the life in Shobara is prestigious...and indeed it is!
- Graduation presentation (February 7, 2017)

Naofumi Koide, Yukino Ohara,
Takaaki Kai,
Mitsuhiro Fukuhara,
Hiroki Mukaihara,
Shuhei Murakami, and
Rei Yagasaki finished the presentations of
the graduation projects. Well done everybody! The
party was crazier than ever.
- Dr. Shalchian-Tabrizi's visit (December 20, 2016)

Prof. Dr. Shalchian-Tabrizi from Oslo University visited our lab, discussing the possibility of spending sabbatical in Hiroshima. The
Vikings were warmly treated with local foods.
- MBSJ meeting 2016 (November 30, 2016)

The 39th "Mega" meeting of Molecular Biology Society of Japan
took place at
Yokohama. Azusa Nakata (M1) presented her project.
- ICZ & ZSJ meeting 2016 (November 17, 2016)

The Joing event of International Congress of Zoology and the annual meeting of Zoological Society of Japan
was held at Okinawa. The PI Hiroshi Suga and Rei Yagasaki (B4) presented the project. Great meeting indeed!
- Sampling at Livestock Research Institute (November 9, 2016)

For a metagenomic analysis, Kaho Satoh (B3) and Hiroshi Suga
collected feces samples at Okayama Livestock Research Institute with
a kind help of Dr. Harutoshi Tsuda.
- Grant award ceremony in Tokyo (October 20, 2016)
The PI Hiroshi Suga received a prestigious grant from
Itoh Science Foundation. The
ceremony was held in Tokyo.
- Naofumi leaving Shobara (September 30, 2016)

Farewell party for Naofumi
(B4), who finished his 5.5 years' Shobara life today. It however turned out that he continues coming to the lab
from Kure almost everyday until January 2017.
- SESJ Annual Meeting 2016 (August 25, 2016)

The PI Hiroshi Suga presented the works of the lab at the meeting of
Evolutionary Studies Society Japan.
- Open Campus 2016 (August 7, 2016)

We presented what a computer can do for biology, showing some bioinformatics analyses.
- Seminar by Dr. Agata (July 25, 2016)

Dr. Kiyokazu Agata from Gakushuin University gave a talk on regeneration, focusing on what he learned from planarian regeneration and ideas how to integrate
the acquired knowledge to regenerative medicine. The discussion (inevitably)
heated up with alcohol.
- Takaaki back to the lab (April 11, 2016)

Takaaki Kai (B4) has got back to work after a fruitful stay in Barcelona. Welcome back!
And thank you very much Iñaki and
- Miyoshi R&D Seminar (March 24, 2016)

The 16th
Miyoshi R&D Seminar was taken place. The project of Yukino Ohara
(B3) was presented.
- First alumni of the lab (March 18, 2016)
Yuki Kimura, Masaaki Kobayashi, Kojiro Tokiyasu, and Azusa Nakata graduated University. The first alumni from Suga lab. Congratulations!
- Snowy March (March 1, 2016)

March starts with heavy snow, which is in fact not surprising. A good news is
that the plants are slowly blooming here and there.
- Takaaki left for Barcelona (February 29, 2016)
The B3 student Takaaki Kai has set off for Barcelona. He will stay
in Dr. Ruiz-Trillo's lab for a month, engaged in his graduation project. Bona sort!
- Graduation projects presented (February 9, 2016)

The B4 students
Yuki Kimura,
Masaaki Kobayashi,
Soh Miyamoto,
Kohjiro Tokiyasu, and
Azusa Nakata presented the
graduation projects. Well done all (and the PI;-)!
- Summary of web access 2015 (January 31, 2016)

The lab website got 4,872 sessions consisting of 8,168 pageviews last year,
with Americans being our best "customers".
- Campus frozen (January 28, 2016)

The exceptionaly warm winter was followed by a cold wave. Hagera pond in the campus have been frozen up.
- Annual meeting of Molecular Biology Society (December 1-4, 2015)

Hiroshi Suga, Azusa Nakata (B4), Kai Takaaki (B3), and Rei Yagasaki (B3) joined one of the largest meetings in Japan.
- First snow (November 27, 2015)

Earlier than last winter, we enjoy/suffer the first snow on campus.
- Talk on evolution of the whale
olfactory system (November 25, 2015)
We invited Dr. Takushi Kishida from Kyoto University for the special
seminar series. The topic is about the evolution of whales,
especially focused on their oflaction. Excellent talk, indeed.
- Practice in presenting the graduate projects (November 12-13, 2015)

The B4 students rehearsed the presentation of the graduate projects, together with Dr. Fukunaga's lab.
- Paper highlighted by Nature (October 30, 2015)

Great news. Alex's
eLife paper which Hiroshi Suga contributed is introduced by
Nature Research Highlights.
- Creolimax comparative transcriptome (October 15, 2015)

Alex's paper "Complex transcriptional regulation and independent evolution
of fungal-like traits in a relative of animals", in which Hiroshi Suga is
the second author has been published. Congrats Alex, Iñaki, and
the coauthors!
- Mystic campus (October 6, 2015)

The campus is deeply covered by mist for the first time after
summer, suggesting a dramatic temperature drop at night. Autumn has come.
- Midterm report of the graduate thesis (September 11, 2015)
The B4 students presented their works, preparing for the final reports
planned on January 2016. BTW happy Catalunya day!
- 17th annual meeting of evolutionary studies (August 21, 2015)

Hiroshi Suga presented the projects of the lab at Tokyo. Great meeting!
- Open campus (August 9, 2015)

We demonstrated bioinformatics and explained our projects to high students.
Here are
the brief report on the official website and
the video resuming the event.
- Lecture at high school (July 21, 2015)

Hiroshi Suga gave a talk in Eishin High School at Fukuyama, explaining the mechanisms of evolution at the DNA level.
- Amoebidium genome will be re-sequenced (July 14, 2015)

Our proposal of Amoebidium parasiticum genome re-sequencing
was successfully accepted by the
Genome Support consortium.
- Creolimax mitochondrial marker (June 11, 2015)
Kojiro Tokiyasu (B4) has made a beautiful picture of growing Creolimax,
our lovely model protist.
- Welcome new B3s! (May 15, 2015)

The new B3 students were "warmly" welcomed on the year's hottest day, doing a barbecue.
- A perfect day in spring (May 8, 2015)

After the hectic April, the campus has somehow turned calm. The best season of Nanatsuka hill starts.
- The book "Evolutionary Transitions to
Multicellular Life" came out (April 9, 2015)

The book "Evolutionary Transitions to Multicellular Life" (Springer) is finally on the market (Amazon). The PI Hiroshi Suga has contributed, writing a chapter.
- A review published (April 1, 2015)

We have published a review in the Japanese journal Experimental Medicine.
- Azusa has returned (March 20, 2015)

Azusa Nakata is back to the lab. She has spent great days in BCN. Thanks
I?aki and Multicellgenomelab!
- ..and still winter (March 10, 2015)

The sign of spring is in vain. The north-Hiroshima region is covered
by snow.
- Nanatsuka Heights at 18:00 (March 6, 2015)

Spring is approaching, still bright at 18:00.
- Azusa left for BCN (March 5, 2015)
Azusa Nakata,
an undergrad student of our lab, left for Barcelona,
for a collaboration with Iñaki Ruiz-Trillo's lab. Good luck,
- Symposium on Genome Science (January 20, 2015)

Hiroshi Suga joined the international symposium "Expanding Frontiers
of Genome Science II" held in Tokyo.
- Freezing! (December 22, 2014)

Another snowing day. The Hagera pond in the courtyard is turning to
- Young researcher fair (December 17, 2014)

Hiroshi Suga joined "Exibition of young research seeds" held in the
PUH Satellite Campus.
- First snow in the University (December 3, 2014)

After the short autumn, the long snow season has started. Still
enjoyable at least now.
- Book on the origin of
multicellularity (November 13, 2014)

The book "Evolutionary Transitions to Multicellular Life"
(Ruiz-Trillo & Nedelcu eds.), in which Hiroshi Suga is a contributed
author, is now in production. The book will be published on early
spring of 2015 with the ISBN
- Welcome party (October 31, 2014)

Naofumi Koide, the new lab member, was warmly accepted.
- Autumn in the campus (October 24, 2014)

Up on Nanatsuka hill, autumn has come. Look at the
lovely-coloured tree leaves!
- Open seminar in the University
(October 20, 2014)

Hiroshi Suga presented his past work and future projects of
the lab, invited by Dr. Kenji Fukunaga and Dr. Takashi Oku.
- Workshop "Genome Editing" (October
6-7, 2014)
Naofumi Koide, Masaaki Kobayashi and Azusa Nakata
participated the stimulating workshop "Genome Editing" held in
Hiroshima city.
- Mecca of multicellularity
evolution revisited (September 29, 2014)
The PI Hiroshi Suga visited the
Iñaki Ruiz-Trillo's
lab in Barcelona. They discussed about the on-going and future
collaborations, and renewed the friendship.
- Small living room constructed
(September 18, 2014)

We made a small relaxing corner in the lab, with sofas and
a fridge. The lab is slowly getting confortable.
- Plankton meeting 2014 (September
4-6, 2014)

We took part in the annual meeting of Japan Plankton Society held
in Hiroshima University. Hiroshi Suga presented
the project briefly.
- New member (August 28, 2014)
Naofumi Koide, an undergrad, joined the lab. Welcome
- Open campus 2014 (August 3, 2014)

The lab opened for the visitors to
Shobara campus
As a part of the open campus event in the faculty of life &
environmental sciences, we accepted the visitors (mostly high school
students) in the lab, explaining the projects and our methodologies
of bioinformatics. Around 50 people including professional
scientists visited us.
- Miquel visited the lab (July 28-29, 2014)
A Catalan post-doc candidate came to
Miquel Ràmia, a PhD student of Universitat Autonoma de
Barcelona, came to Miyoshi-Shobara region and visited the lab. We
discussed about the future projects possibly starting from next
spring. He also gave a talk entitled "Population genomics analysis
of a single natural population of D. melanogaster". We hope that he will
successfully get the grant and start his post-doc projects in
- Towards single cell genomics study (July 11, 2014)

Visit to National Research Institute of Fisheries and
Hiroshi Suga visited the
National Research Institute of Fisheries and Environment and
collected sea water samples. A lot of new and promising information
about dinoflagellates, our next model for the future.
- Next generation sequencing seminar
(June 12, 2014)

Illumina NGS explained
Kazuhito Ueno from Illumina co. gave a talk covering a broad range of
the current NGS technologies.
- Sad news from Basel (June 3, 2014)
The PI's former boss passed away
Dr. Walter J. Gehring, with whom the PI Hiroshi Suga worked for more
than 5 years, has passed away. We will never forget his enthusiathm
to science and warm support to young scientists.
- Evolution of transposable elements (April 3, 2014)
Our paper in MBE now online
The paper "The
Holozoan Capsaspora
owczarzaki Possesses a Diverse Complement of Active
Transposable Element Families" by Martin Carr (University of
Huddersfield, UK) and Hiroshi Suga is now online, describing the
unexpectedly diverse transposable elements in the genome of the
filasterean Capsaspora owczarzaki. It was published in
Genome Biology and
Evolution. Although not signed the paper, Arnau Sebé-Pedrós
and Iñaki Ruiz-Trillo, the former colleagues of Hiroshi Suga,
have also contributed to this paper.
Congratulations Martin! (and the lab, for the first publication
after moving)
- The lab started (April 2, 2014)
The lab started with the PI Hiroshi Suga
We started the lab with Hiroshi Suga (PI) and 5 undergrads, Yuki
Kimura, Masaaki Kobayashi, Kojiro Tokiyashu, Azusa Nakata, and So
Miyamoto. Welcome to the lab!